Travel News » June 2010 » Football hooligans deported prior to the start of World Cup 2010

Football hooligans deported prior to the start of World Cup 2010


Ten suspected Argentine football hooligans have been apprehended by security in South Africa and sent on their way.

The ten tough guys, thought to belong to an organised group of football ruffians known as 'barras bravas', made their way to South Africa to pick fights with opposing teams at the World Cup, which starts on Friday.

Police used previous intelligence to identify the Argentine football hooligans, who were deported on Monday. One of the gang is on bail for murder, which verifies his thuggish behaviour.

The swift deportation of the Argentine football hooligans is reassuring. It demonstrates that security personnel in South Africa are well prepared to minimise football violence at the World Cup 2010.

After the ten football hooligans were deported, Argentine authorities gave South Africa a list of 800 black listed fans to look out for over the coming days.

A whopping 3,200 English football hooligans have had their passports seized to stop them travelling to South Africa for the World Cup. There are reports that a gang of English football hooligans were intercepted last month.

The deportation of the football hooligans comes shortly after a crush at a South African stadium that left 16 people injured. The free, friendly game attracted more spectators than expected, and the sheer volume of fans led to some being trampled. Fifa say they had nothing to do with the ticketing of the game.

If you are travelling to South Africa for the World Cup, report any outbreaks of violence to police and stay safe by steering clear of fans that demonstrate aggressive behaviour.

Make sure you have comprehensive travel insurance to cover your trip to South Africa. has a range of affordable travel insurance policies available.

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