Travel News » September 2008 » Uninsured drivers are still a "massive problem"

Uninsured drivers are still a "massive problem"


Uninsured driver as still a "massive problem" in the UK, one expert has said.

According to the British Insurance Brokers Association (Biba), the problem is one that insurance companies are now addressing and police powers have also been increased to combat the issue.

Graeme Trudgill, Biba technical and corporate affairs executive, said: "The police can now stop a vehicle on the road side and can see whether it's insured or not.

"Since they've had these powers they have confiscated about a quarter of a million vehicles. So recently we have managed to make a dent in the problem."

The insurance expert explained that he is due to meet with the minister for transport Jim Fitzpatrick to discuss implementing a new offence for the keeper of a vehicle without road insurance, which will make it harder to own a car without cover.

Statistics released by last month revealed that UK drivers are paying around £30 a year extra on their car policies to compensate for those who are uninsured.

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